Pine Sawfly Outbreak in Elbert, El Paso Counties
Contributed by
Bruce Benninghoff, Consulting Forester &
Ciesla, Entomologist
Pine sawfly, a native insect that defoliates ponderosa pines, has rapidly reached epidemic levels south of Denver. First detected just a few weeks ago, the outbreak is believed to have started near the border of El Paso and Elbert counties, and has now been detected on the northeastern fringes of the Douglas County border.
News Release
Quick Guide
Budget Impact of Rising Firefighting Costs
USDA released a report today on the wildfire transfer impacts over time.
Report on Growing Costs of Western Wildfires
Contributed by
Bill Gherardi, Consulting Forester
A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists on the growing costs of western wildfires due to climate change and development in the wildland-urban interface.
Earth On Fire
Contributed by
Scott Golden, Tree Farmer
Link to an Australian BBC production.
USDA Provides 12-Week Progress Update on Disaster Assistance
Contributed by
Joe Turner, Forestry Contractor
read the News Release
Question and Answer
contributed by
Ray Frush, Tree Farmer
Selling saw logs:
I have a reasonable number (a couple of truck loads worth) of straight Ponderosa and Doug Fir logs with a minimum 7" diameter at top. If I were to sell these by weight, what would be a good price in the area?
Answer from Jon Bell, Forestry Contractor
Now For Something Completely Different
Contributed by
Scott Golden, Tree Farmer
Undead Forests Around Chernobyl Won't Decompose